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Chianeva George is an advocate, cheerleader, and mentor for young adult women. For over twenty years, she has been teaching women they are loved and encouraging them on their life’s journey. She is passionate about deepening her own relationship with God and helping young women do the same. Chianeva is also a busy mom of four daughters. Between homework and recitals, Chianeva spends her time learning more about who they are, sharing her wisdom about God and life, and aiding them in fulfilling their purpose.

"Just like dogs, your emotions need leashes. They can’t be allowed to go everywhere they desire to go. You have to be able to pull them back and make them obey. "

- Chianeva George, Author


"Surrendering your plan to grab ahold of the Master’s plan is what totally transforms your life in the best possible ways."

- Chianeva George, Author

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